Steve in action

Having worked for several years in the motorcycle trade at independent workshops, Triumph and Honda main dealers ; redundancy led me to set up Wrightway Motorcycles. The name arose from a conversation many years ago about the calibre of workmanship and the bodge it merchants. Why not just do it the rightway in the first place! As my surname is Wright this is how the business name came about.
This has been the philosophy from the start so if you are looking for an expensive bodge job you are in the wrong place.
This has been the philosophy from the start so if you are looking for an expensive bodge job you are in the wrong place.
Teaching & Training

I am also a qualified teacher and have taught City & Guilds Motorcycle Mechanics at Wakefield Skills Xchange to 16+ and mature students.
Its a real pleasure to be able to inspire people, pass on knowledge and experience and see progress either in a professional capacity or as a hobby
Its a real pleasure to be able to inspire people, pass on knowledge and experience and see progress either in a professional capacity or as a hobby